Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012



Click, clock, click, clock...
Time still running, but I`m still trusting that it won`t be happen
It`s just the side of my life, never believe. Seriously, it happen on virtual world
I think, if its really God`s gift for me why I`m still waiting? 
Still waiting for so long, oh happiness...
Sometimes, waiting is one of life`s episode, you have to know it, face it
When I`m waiting, i just can take control
I`m trying to talk with my mind
Take words and put it on papper
Stay calm...
I`m waiting for nothing
I`m waiting for something
I don`t know, which one better to me?

I`m still... 
God has give me all that I need not all that I want

Hey you. This words I`ve made, it could be for you it could be for my self. Its about you and my self.
I`m still waiting, for the happiness that will be mine.
My life is white, for next I don`t know you will paint it with black or rainbow, or you never think to color it? 
Its up to you. Time will heal it. 

No. No. Don`t think that you had done hurt me. 
No. You never want to hurt me. I see.
Take it easy, i can. Believe me, I`m fine.

Yes. This is my reason why I`m still staying.

Hey you...
It`s half past ten.
How meaningful I am?

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